Event venue: Prague
Country: Czechia
Date: 2020 January 20 2020 January 23
Contact: david.kalfert@fnmotol.cz
Website: http://temporalbonecourse.cz/
The course will be focused on the basic principles of the temporal bone dissection in the context of the surgical management of the chronical ear diseases and in the context of surgery of the implantable hearing systems. For participants will be prepared temporal bone and fully equipped stage for the dissection. The course is dedicated to the beginning otologist, but it would be preferable to have some basic experience with the temporal bone anatomy and dissection. The participants will have the chance to practice canaloplasty, mastoidectomy, posterior tympanotomy, insertion of the electrode of the cochlear implant on model as well as in cadaveric bone, different techniques of the ossiculoplasty, canal wall up and down technique, visualization of the facial nerve anatomy, exposure of the carotid artery, jugular bulb, Eustachian tube, translabyrinthine and middle fossa approach to the internal meatus. Participants can also try the 3D Temporal bone simulator.