Regional News
ENT & Audiology News
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Turkey/Syria Earthquake
Dear Colleagues,I am very deeply touched by condolecence and support messages and phone calls of my colleagues from all over the World. This is a disaster and a tragedy which
Report of the Regional Secretary for North America and the Caribbean
IFOS World Congress Planning At the Academy’s annual meeting in Orlando, Florida, September 21-24, 2015, Prof. Bernard Fraysse, chair, IFOS World Congress, Paris, France, 2017 and Gregory Randolph, MD, IFOS
European Annals of Oto-rhino-laryngology, Head and Neck diseases
We are pleased to announce that the special IFOS issue of the European Annals of Oto-rhino-laryngology, Head and Neck diseases (guidelines presented during the congress) is now available. This first special issue
In memoriam Prof Dr Vicente G Diamante (August 8, 1933 – December 29, 2024)
Professor Vicente Diamante has died in his beloved city of Buenos Aires. He has left us at 91 years old, a lifetime dedicated to otorhinolaryngology, especially otology and skullbase.